New features introduced in java 8

New features introduced in java 8 Here are the list of high level features introduced in Java 8 along with lots of enhancement at complier and JVM level: 1. Lambda Expressions Lambda expression is a concise representation of an anonymous function which can be passed as an argument to a method or stored in a variable. Click Here more details 2. Functional Interface A Functional Interface is an interface which specifies exactly one abstract method.

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NetCat multiple port

To test if a port is open on a remote host or not. Our networking guys always use to tell that they opened the port, you can't always run your code to test it. If you are on windows then you can do telnet. To enable the telnet on Windows 10, Click here Open the command prompt and run the following command: telnet 80 If it is successful, that it will enter on the

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free port on MacOSX or linux terminal

Sometimes when we start application on MacOSx or linux they don't start, because an port is already occupied by application which terminated unexpectedly or by some other application. Developers face these kind of issue more frequently, when we run java application in our IDE eclipse or IntelliJ Idea and switch between run/debug or error in run/debug. Now we need to free the port which was occupied by an existing instance of the application or any

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Sometimes when we run java application on windows platform, it doesn't start tomcat and says port 8080 already in use. To resolve this issue, we have to kill the process running on port 8080. Below are the few simple steps to release port 8080. Start you command prompt as an administator: Run the following command to get the process which is using the port 8080: netstat -o -n -a | findstr 0.0:8080 To kill the

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NoSQL Databases is also called as “Not Only SQL”. NoSQL does not prohibit the SQL (Structured query Language). It employs less Consistency model for storage and retrieval of data than traditional relational databases. Some of the NoSQL databases are completely non-relational, others avoid relational functionalities as Fixed table schemas and joins. Most of the NoSQL databases are highly optimized “Key-Value stores” or “tuple stores”, for simple insertion and retrieval operations. NoSQL approach started with the

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